Office  575-393-8420

Construction and Trucking

We’re proud to serve the oil and gas industry as well as homes, ranches and businesses across Southeast New Mexico and West Texas day in and day out. SDR has been in the land clearing, dirt work and excavation business for years and we are a New Mexico Approved Licensed Contractor.

Our Services Include:

✓ Oil & Gas drill pads and production facility pads building and  repairing lease roads

✓ Hauling materials (Sand, gravel, caliche, contaminated soil and water)

✓ Pads made for residential homes, rural barns, commercial businesses, industrial warehouses, and more

✓ Brush and land clearing for residential, commercial, and rural

✓ Pond and tank creation

✓ Root plowing and removal

Our Equipment Includes:

✓ 20 YD Belly / End Dumps

✓ 12 YD Dump Trucks

✓ Haul Trucks

✓ 90 & 130 BBL Water Trucks

✓ Farm Tractor w/Disc

✓ Pipeline Locators

✓ Road Maintainers

✓ Backhoes

✓ Hydrovac

✓ Excavators

✓ Skid Steer w/Attachments

✓ Dozers

✓ Loaders

✓ Flatbed Trailers/Goosenecks

✓ Pressure Washers

✓ Brush Hog

✓ Seed Drill

✓ Articulating Dump Trucks
